Saturday, April 17, 2010

Planning and Implementing Your Radio Promotion Campaign

The commercial radio industry, at this time in history, couldn’t be less friendly to the independent musician.

However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t some significant radio airplay available to you if you know what you’re doing. Outlined below is a plan to consider if you have the three important ingredients necessary for working your record to radio.

1) The money to fund the campaign
2) The time to spend working all the stations you submit your music to
3) A recording that meets the standards of radio broadcast/streaming quality

Forget About Commercial Radio Airplay

When it comes to commercial radio, the chances of getting significant national airplay for your independent record are next to none. We live in an era when a small group of powerful media conglomerates own and control the most important radio stations in the land. Unless you are connected to a major label, or are independently wealthy, the costs of promoting your songs nationally to commercial radio have spiraled out of sight.

There are, however, lots of local music shows, mix shows and specialty shows on commercial stations that may offer limited airplay for you. These shows air in low-listening off hours, such as late at night on weekends or early morning programs on weekends. There will be a lot of work involved in finding these stations yourself, city by city, and music format by music format.

If you have money to invest in radio promotion it’s possible to hire an independent promoter who may be able to open some doors to these shows for you. Be prepared to spend several hundred dollars a week for their services. Also, in some smaller market cities and towns across the country there MAY be some stations these indie radio promoters can get you some airplay.

Please note this important rule about securing ANY airplay: If you have NOT setup a way to have your music available in stores (through traditional distributors or online stores, FORGET about trying to get any airplay. The reason is IF a station of any kind plays your recording and people like your music...the fans/customers will not have a way to BUY your why bother to try and secure airplay?)

A more realistic approach for radio airplay is to consider the options available on the noncommercial side of the FM dial. (88.1 FM to 91.9 FM) With the combination of college radio stations, community stations, and even some of the larger National Public Radio affiliated stations, your chances of getting your record played are much better.

Also, today we have tens-of-thousands of Internet radio stations that you may have more luck securing airplay on, especially if you are a new act. The problem is that finding shows on these Internet stations will be a full-time, and ongoing job for you. In addition to these Internet stations there is Satellite radio (XM/Serius) and they do play new music by alternative acts. So check them out first for their rules and policies for submitting your music.

Below you will find an outline based on how Major and the better Independent record labels plan for their radio promotions.

You need to prepare:

* A database of commercial and non-commercial and Internet stations that
realistically may play your music.
* The timeline you'll use to put the promotional material together
(basically setting your deadlines).

Be sure to remember that your plan may be distributed to any other assistants or employees, and any independent promotion people you may hire. This plan will be their introduction to your or your artist, and is the plan they will base their work on.

1) Design a detailed overview of your radio promotion plan.

* Consider all marketing and promotional ideas listed below.
* Propose what you think would work best in each of the areas to help market your
music to radio.
* Remember to keep cohesiveness between all areas: Give reasons why your music
is appropriate to each station you approach.

* Remember you will need several practical tools/materials to achieve your
goals. (Computers, hardware/software, office supplies,cell and/or land-line
phones etc.).

Address the following specific topics in your plan:

* Background/Goals: Give a brief history of the artist, and describe the goals
of your plan.
* Image: Describe and maintain the artist's image consistently in all promo
* What radio format(s) will be targeted? What markets? Which songs? Any station
promotions? (On-air concerts?) Hiring any Independent promoters?
* Describe your plans to create a “buzz” in the print media. Any press releases
(EPKs) to the music industry trades or music press?
Update your website,Blogs,MySpace and Facebook pages,bios, fact sheets, and
other press materials.
* Describe traditional and Internet distribution and music retail plans. Any
in-store play/ promotions? What other specific sales opportunities? Mail
order, live shows. Any store promotional tie-ins with radio stations?
* Video: Is a video cost effective? What airplay opportunities are there for the
video? Consider using sites like YouTube especially.
* Touring: Describe the time frame for touring, and other promotional events to
coordinate while on the road. Consider specific clubs, halls, fairs,
festivals, music showcases at music conferences like SXSW etc.
* Any club/venue promotional tie-ins with radio stations
* Advertising: Design ads to be placed in the music trades/consumer music press,
and other media? What funds are available for purchasing ads? Describe the
* Misc.: Record release party? Novelty item? Any other clever ideas? Explain
clearly and and all unique promotional ideas you can think of.

2. Design a 12 week plan for the product and promotional tools.

* Lay out what needs to be accomplished each week to get the CD/Music File out.
* Consider the: artwork, mastering, credits, sequencing, printing, pressing,
booklets, layout/design, converting of master recordings to digital files.
* Include in the time-line when to start working on the promotional tools that
you will need for your plan (photos, press releases, novelty items, display
material, ads).
* Design the time-line with deadlines for each element of your project.
* Remember too: We are in a digital age now, but that doesn't mean you no longer
need any older traditional promotion tools. YOU NEED BOTH!

As you can see, a radio promotion campaign is something that is done as part of a wider marketing plan. Always have distribution and sales plans, as well as publicity, advertising and touring and any and all Internet plans coordinated carefully with your airplay campaign.

I will say this again: The worst thing that can happen to any song on the radio is that someone hears the song, but can’t find a way to buy it. Professional record labels always have distribution and sales connections set up before they secure airplay. You should do the same.

The last word: The reason for coordinating all the "Four Fronts" in a RADIO promotion campaign is this. Nobody is alone in the music marketing world. When you talk to radio decision makers, they want to know WHY they should play your music. After you have given them solid 'business' facts about why they should air your songs, THEN you move on and tell them what OTHER marketing plans you have up your sleeve. That is where the other topics come in to play. Radio wants to know what your plans are to sell your release. What your Publicity plans are and what your touring plans are.




  1. And, who the hell cares about commercial radio anyway? Listeners are dwindling as community radio becomes more relevant to our lives. Get your album to community radio stations and get it on Pandora while you're at it.

  2. I was recently approached by Jerome Promotions & Marketing with an offer to promote my music thru "secondary airplay/stations" nation wide. No guarantees of course, but it's a chance to see peoples reaction to my music and hopefully the interest of a major label to sign me. The price, can't say but high. I'm very exited about their interest and they sound reliable, however, I'm such a rookie in the industry and on top of that, I'm a nice guy! LOL. I'm penniless, trying to not get ripped off.
    Two questions:
    1. Has anyone every heard of em? What do you think of the overall picture?
    2. Does anyone know other reputable independent radio promoters that can put my music out there? Got the product ready to go!

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